Blog Number 1 – The Rants of Social Care Trainers..

Caroline Bartle and Trish O’Hara have a long history in social care and training.   We have decided that blogging our ideas,  thoughts and passions is a great way to reach out to people with care and support needs,  practitioners,  carers and trainers alike.

We have a team of trainers who operate within the ethos of collaboration,  strength of shared knowledge and raising standards of delivery for people across the health and  social care sector.   It is from their experience in training and consultancy that our knowledge continues to grow and remain dynamic. Our capacities over the years have developed from having a deep commitment to sharing knowledge openly and across boundaries. We aim to both challenge and support the sector to rise to the demands of the growing ageing population.

The Care Act 2014 and the Statutory Guidance published in October have given everyone in the sector food for thought.    As we adapt and develop approaches to service provision over the coming years,  3spirituk defines itself as a voice from the ‘coal face’ of service delivery and how best to ensure rights,  capacity and well-being remain central themes in all sectors of support.

This blog will become a place to share how learning and development remains at the cutting edge of change and ensures providers and staff continue to improve their practice.

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