Clinical Courses – Catheter Care

Course Outline

Our course is aimed at Registered Nurses and Healthcare Assistants who care for people with urinary catheters in a variety of settings. Candidates will cover theoretical underpinning and practice catheter care in a simulated setting.

It is recommended following the training that practitioners undergo competency observations within their workplace in obtaining a catheter specimen of urine (CSU), changing urinary drainage systems, emptying a urine bag or catheter valve and bag positioning and support (Catheter Care RCN).

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course candidates will be able to:

  • Describe the basic anatomy and physiology associated with the urinary tract. 
  • Describe the reasons why a catheter may be required.
  • Describe how to measure urine output and monitor for abnormalities.
  • Describe the risks and potential complications of urinary catheters. 
  • Describe how to provide catheter care adhering to infection control policies.
  • Identify why it is important to assess a person to ensure catherisation is still required.
  • List the dignity ‘do’s and consider how these are embedded when supporting a person with a catheter.

Book onto the Course

Interested in learning more and/or booking onto the course ? You can contact us here or call us on 01442 368464 .

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