What Our Clients say

Age UK

‘You really are great at what you do, and you hold a wealth of information that you can recall so effectively – it makes it such a great learning experience, thank you’

Head of Service – Age UK – Positive Interventions in Dementia


‘Excellent training, really challenged practice’

Support Staff – BUPA – Recording Skills

Hertfordshire Care Providers

‘I thought the training yesterday was amazing’

Hertfordshire Care Providers Association – Dementia Training

Bluebird Care

‘So many practical ideas I would never have thought of’’

Support Staff – Bluebird Care – Dementia Training

Walsingham Support

‘This course was delivered to a very high standard. I was engaged all of the way through it’

Locality Manager – Walsingham – MCA training


‘I learnt loads with a laugh’

Manager – Macintyre – Safeguarding

CareTech Community Services

‘The trainer was really experienced and this course was extremely informative, I learnt a lot’

Support Staff – CareTech – End of Life Training

Hertfordshire County Council

‘I would just like to thank 3Spirit for the amazing opportunity to receive training from them. I feel that I have more confidence within myself and going forward in the job role. I work predominately with people who are living with Dementia and the positive outlook and attitude that was delivered by the trainers was not only refreshing but very thought provoking’

The Day Services Manager – Herts CC – Dementia Training

‘Enjoyed the whole day, unlike many other. Not only thought provoking but also trainer had a great sense of humour’

Manager – Herts CC – Safeguarding for Manager


‘Excellent training’

Support Staff – Scope – First Aid


‘Training delivery style was really engaging, kept my attention in a subject that had previously been really dry’

Projects Manager- Mencap – Safeguarding Training

Honister Care Home

‘This course answered a lot of questions I have, outstanding trainer’

Senior Support Staff  – Honister Care Home – Sexually, Intimacy and Dementia

North Herts Homes

‘Trainer really knows a lot about the working environment and incorporates that into his training’

Support Staff – North Herts Homes – First Aid

Stories about our Resources

‘Negative vs positive language – have used the infographic to support carers to communicate more effectively and change views on negative labelling.’

‘Getting conversations going about the language we use when talking about BPSD and helping staff generate new positive approaches.’

‘Often very useful if talking to a carer of a person with dementia, to be able to show them a visual representation of what’s being discussed. This can make it easier for them to retain the information.’

‘Helping me to overcome and manage my feelings of frustration and anger and guilt as observed through your advice on how to better modify my reactions and behaviour to cope with my mum’s dementia.’

‘Using art to help regain/maintain and develop skills. Through art expressions of unmet need and reminiscence can be exposed in ways other techniques may not uncover.’

‘They stimulated conversation and questions when I displayed several of the infographics during Dementia Action Week at the Acute Hospital Trust.’

Stories from Learners

‘The life story is now being put into practice. The Dementia courses helps us to provide a better service of care.’

We have been able to share all the Nutrition information with the staff and residents here to educate and support them.’ 

‘There was a time when I was a bullied, this training has helped me get my confidence back and to deal with situations myself.’

‘Staff attending training are more content, confident and change their practice and attitude.’

‘I have informed colleagues and recommended they attend and will use more Care Act sensitive language in MDT discussions.’

‘We have improved our practice a lot by reducing admission to hospital, reducing antipsychotic, reducing falls.’

‘Following equality and diversity – it has allowed me to integrate and discuss current discrimination issues and able to ensure I am inclusive with activity planning for our community groups for people living with dementia.’

‘Have made a list and handed to the home manager so that we get an outstanding in our next CQC inspection. This list is what is missing at the home.’

Data Gathered from Service Managers

What factors would drive you to use 3SpiritUK training again in the future?

Urgent need for training


Competitive cost of training


Quality of training




Problem identified in supervision / internal quality audits


Compliance requirements


Impact assessments completed by 3SpiritUK


Have you noticed any of the following impacts since your recent training session?

Staff more confident


Staff more likely to challenge poor practice


Staff record in more detail


Staff are able to cascade information


Staff are able to adapt the environment to improve care outcomes


Staff are able to connect better with the clients


Staff report that they enjoy their work more
